Latest News and Gigs

14 July 2024

Hi all

Firstly, thank-you so much to everyone who has pre-ordered my forthcoming album either on CD or digitally. It’s really appreciated and has given me a real boost of positivity. I really hope you like it.

If you’d like to order, or just have a listen (three of the songs are available to listen to) then please visit here: ‘An Explosion Of Nothing’.

Secondly, I am playing an album-launch show on the release date of the album, Friday August 9th.

I’ve been lucky enough to secure The Water Rats in King’s Cross area of London, a fantastic venue.

I’ll be playing a long set encompassing songs from all four of my albums, my EP, and a couple of surprises – both on guitars and keyboard. Everyone through the door gets a raffle ticket which will be drawn at the end of the set – with some special prizes.

Support is from MartPaul featuring Paul Kennedy of SALAD: “If Flanders & Swann met Sparks in a dark alley”

Tickets are ON SALE NOW HERE!

Really hope you’ll consider coming along - I know all artists say how excited they are and what a great night it’ll be, but I’m honestly really looking forward to going through my back catalogue and singing/playing a wide variety of numbers. Along with brand new material, obviously. Feel free to reply with any requests, I’ll consider any of my songs (that are playable on guitar or keyboard). I’m looking forward to seeing MartPaul again too!

Finally, a quick reminder that there is some recent YouTube stuff:




Thank-you once again for your support.

All the best, and hope to see you soon.

05 July 2024

Hello everyone!

I’ve just released another new song from my forthcoming album. I suppose it’s classed as a ‘single’, but it’s not really obvious single material if you know what I mean? Whatever it is, it’s the penultimate track off my forthcoming album, somewhat imaginatively titled ‘Penultimate’. It’s all about trying to skirt the line between living in your own personal cloud-cuckoo land/fantasy, and the reality of modern life. Featuring the incredible Huw James on drums. It’s up on all streaming services and there’s a YouTube audio visualiser HERE.

Pre-orders for my forthcoming album ‘An Explosion Of Nothing’ are now open HERE (you can hear three of the songs here too). Alongside the digital version of the album, there is a CD in a Digipak with a 16-page booklet containing all the lyrics and accompanying photos/art. Anyone ordering the CD will have it sent out as soon as I get them - i.e. before the release date of August 9th (streaming and audio files of your choice are also included).

I’ve made some other incentives. One person picked at random at the end of the pre-order will have the option for me to come and perform a house-concert set at a location of your choice (UK only sorry!). Another two will get the whole of my back catalogue both on CD and digital along with free-entry to a future gig of their choice. I’ll literally make a list of those that have ordered, print it out, cut it up, and put the names into a hat. Well, a bowl probably! Click here for the pre-order link over at Bandcamp. You’ll immediately get the two singles available for download/streaming.

If you want to hear a 2-minute sampler of the album then go HERE.

Very much looking forward to people to hearing it, and thanks also for the great feedback from the show I played in Camden recently. Here are a couple of quotes:

“As a solo artist, one might have expected some twee folk songs, especially since his Bandcamp bio describes him as ‘quintessentially English’. However, his music was surprisingly spiky, and the lyrics had some down to earth Billy Bragg realism to them. The story of frustrated working-class lives in Emergency Call was particularly striking. Hunt’s new album (his fourth apparently) will be out this summer and will be worth checking out.” - Velvet Thunder

”This likeable fella is infused with the English singer-songwriter tradition, and his intense, often psychedelic vignettes with their wry, observational lyrics shine a light on this odd thing called life, and the human condition, and how we cope with it. Musically, much looping, and several effects pedals are used to create a many-layered but never overwhelming backing for Jon’s very human and involving songs”.
- The Progressive Aspect

I’m in the process of organising a show in August to celebrate the album, so watch this space.

In the meantime, here’s the link once again to the pre-order!

Thank-you so much for reading, and for your support.

20 March 2024

Dear friends and followers:

My new single ‘Conjure Something’ will be released on April 26th.

Digital download, streaming and video.

The song is taken from my forthcoming album ‘An Explosion Of Nothing’. It also comes with a ‘non-album bonus track’ (previously known as a ‘B-side’!)

A couple of gigs to mention:

For my next live performance I’m delighted to be supporting The Mighty Handful on Sunday April 14th at The Musical Museum in Brentford. It’s a late afternoon show. The museum houses working instruments, displays and interactive exhibits which tell the story of how music has been recorded and reproduced. Thanks to the pandemic and rising bills, without additional support, the museum/venue could close as permanently as soon as this year. Therefore this show is a benefit - with all the money from the ticket sales going towards it’s £60k goal in order to keep the museum’s doors open. Early ticket purchases are encouraged! Hope to see some of you there. Ticket link.

Another gig date: I’m delighted to be supporting The Brackish and Sweetpool on Sunday 16th June. I’ll be playing a set including songs from my forthcoming album. Ticket link.

More news soon…